This Periodic Table of Marvel is intended to be used as mnemonic for young students to help them memorize the elements. The relationship between elements and Marvel characters is as follows:

1. Hydrogen = Hydro-Man

2. Helium = Hellcat

3. Lithium = Lizard

4. Beryllium = Beast

5. Boron = Bor

6. Carbon = Rosalie Carbone

7. Nitrogen = Nitro

8. Oxygen = Doctor Octopus

9. Fluorine = Mister Fantastic

10. Neon = Neutron

11. Sodium = Naga

12. Magnesium = Magneto

13. Aluminum = Alkhema

14. Silicon = Silk

15. Phosphorous = Phoenix

16. Sulfur = Spider-Man

17. Chlorine = Cyclops

18. Argon = Aragorn

19.Potassium = Pepper Potts

20.Calcium = Cable

21. Scandium = Scarlet Witch

22. Titanium = Titania

23. Vanadium = Venom

24. Chromium = Crossbones

25. Manganese = Mangler

26. Iron = Iron Man

27. Cobalt = Cobalt Man

28. Nickel = Nick Fury

29. Copper = Copperhead

30. Zinc = Ziggy Pig

31. Gallium = Galactus

32. Germanium = Gr. Goblin

33. Arsenic = Arsenic

34. Selenium = Selene

35. Bromine = Broo

36. Krypton = Kraven the Hunter

37. Rubidium = Ruby Thursday

38. Strontium = Doctor Strange

39. Yttrium = Mariko Yashida

40. Zirconium = Ziran the Tester

41. Niobium = Nightcrawler

42. Molybdenum = Mole Man

43. Technetium = Thing

44. Ruthenium = The Russian

45. Rhodium = Rodstvow

46. Palladium = Paladin

47. Silver = Silver Surfer

48. Cadmium = Cardiac

49. Indium = Indra

50. Tin = Tim Boo Ba

51. Antimony = Ant-Man

52. Tellurium = Claire Temple

53. Iodine = Invisible Woman

54. Xenon = Professor X

55. Cesium = Colossus

56. Barium = Black Panther

57. Lanthanum = Jack O'Lantern

58. Cerium = Cerise

59. Praseodymium = Presence

60. Neodymium = Numinus

61. Promethium = Prometheus

62. Samarium = Sandman

63. Europium = Exodus

64. Gadolinium = Gambit

65. Terbium = Terminus

66. Dysprosium = Dionysus

67. Holmium = Hulk

68. Erbium = Elektra

69. Thulium = Thundra

70. Ytterbium = Yukio

71. Lutetium = Lucifer

72. Hafnium = Hammerhead

73. Tantalum = Tarantula

74. Wolfram = Wolverine

75. Rhenium = Red Skull

76. Osmium = Norman Osborn

77. Iridium = Iron Lad

78. Platinum = Plantman

79. Gold = Golden Archer

80. Mercury = Mercury 

81. Thallium = Talon

82. Lead = Leader

83. Bismuth = Bishop

84. Polonium = Polaris

85. Astatine = Astra

86. Radon = Radioactive Man

87. Francium = Frog-Man

88. Radium = Radius

89. Actinium = Achebe

90. Thorium = Thor

91. Protactinium = Proteus

92. Uranium = Ultimus

93. Neptunium = Namor

94. Plutonium = Pluto

95. Americium = Captain America

96. Curium = Captain Marvel

97. Berkelium = Black Widow

98. Californium = Callisto

99. Einsteinium = Ernst

100. Fermium = Feral

101. Mendelevium = Medusa

102. Nobelium = Northstar

103. Lawrencium = Laufey

104. Rutherfordium = Roulette

105. Dubnium = Dum Dum Dugan

106. Seaborgium = She-Hulk

107. Bohrium = Boom-Boom

108. Hassium = Hawkeye

109. Meitneirum = Melter

110. Darmstadtium = Daredevil

111. Roentgenium = Rogue

112. Copernicium = Copperhead 2

113. Nihonium = Nighthawk

114. Flerovium = Falcon

115. Moscovium = Moses Magnum

116. Livermorium = Living Monolith

117. Tennessine = Thena

118. Oganesson= Aleta Ogord


I do not own the rights to any Marvel character. This is for nonprofit educational purposes only. 


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